Thursday, May 5, 2016

Common School Fund updated guidance

The Common School Fund Guidance has been updated and can be found on the newly created DPI website at Common School Fund. The updating process included the convening of a workgroup on April 4, 2016 and review by the WEMTA board on April 30, 2016. The process was a collaboration between teams in the Division for Libraries and Technology and the School Finance Team. 

The statutory language remains the same and purchases made with Common School Funds must support the school library program and be documented in the district library plan. The new website includes information needed by school library professionals, business managers, and other administrators. The sidebar tab for purchasing guidelines and WUFAR budget codes includes an updated guidance chart. Other information that is now included together on the same site are the BCPL loan program and audit information. Please review the site and become familiar with the information.

Thank you,
Nancy Anderson, School Library Consultant
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction